Internet Explorer Escapade


Staff member
Whenever I load IE, no images show up, and clicking on a link results in an error page and I have to refresh to get that page. I find by going to advanced internet options, setting everything to default and going back to the home page fixes everything for now, even though I don't thinkI changed anything on the advanced options. But when I reload IE, I get the same problem again.<br />
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I doubt it's my ISP because no one else seems to have this probelm and images don't show up on web pages I have on my computer. I also reinstalled windows without reformatting a few days before this happened, if that means anything here.<br />
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I would appreciate it if anyone knew how to fix this.<!--content-->make sure to click the apply button after setting everything to default.<!--content-->if you installed windows over the top of the one you originally had, my guess is that the windows default IE went right over the top of whatever you had before and is clashing with the one you had originally. I would try updating to IE5.5 or IE6 to see if that changes things.<!--content-->