Internal links question


New Member
Hello all...I am about to go live with a site I am working on.I made a dreamweaver template to make it easy to create new pages.The template contains the Menu- and I have links to all the major pages on the website, including the HOME link to get back to\ I have 2 questions:1. Do I need to know something about using the same Menu for ALL the files in my site? Is it good or bad? If it's good, do I need to make sure there are specific links inside? If it's bad- do I need to think about different method?2. When linking in the menu to my 'HOME' page, is it matter if I use the index.html or just the main adress of my website...?Please help me out and thanks in advance for any help...Guy.Quote:your menu is good. Dont confuse people by trying to change it.Use your url to link to over http://www.yoursite.comThis is the result thats found in search engines not the same menu through your whole site. Once users understand the menu it is easier to focus on content. I always point to the domain name or "/" for most of the links to my home page. If there are two references to the home page on the same page .... then I would use the file name (index.html) for the second reference.