Internal Error


Ok this may seem like a long error but please read it.

I have an ASP.NET solution (Ecatalogue)
System: WIN XP pro, SQL server 2000, IIS 5.1, VS 2003

When I start the solution i get the following Error:
The webserver reported the following error when attempting to create or open the web project: 'HTTP://localhost/Ecatalogue':'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal server error

If I click OK the solution opens, and i can do everything to adjust the code and stuff. Butt then when i want to run/debug the project the following error appears (probably related with the first one):
Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the webserver. Server Side-error occured on sending debug HTTP request.
Make sure the webserver is operating coorectly, verify there are no syntax errors in Web.config by doing a Debug.Start without debugging. You may also want to refer to ASP.NET and ATL server debugging topic in the online documentation.

I tried different thing to fix the problem (recreate the solution, restart IIS,...). I don't know what to do next. I need this problem fixed, because this is a huge project where we have been working on for over a year.

Thanx a lot for any replyWhat did you get if you try to start the project without debugging?
Do you also get a "Internal Server Error"?

Anyway... Can you run, edit or debug another solution in the same machine?I got an error that the server was cuurently unavailable.
The solution was:

reset IIS
Reconfigure IIS
aspnet_regiis -i
recreate project in IIS.
Restart PC.

In that order.

don't know why, but it works now