Intergrated Auto-Submitter to warez DDL's


New Member
credits to Amman-DJ





ability to check thread within your forum, then immediately select submit to DDL via the moderation drop down menu. Dramatically reduce submit time to any DDL you might be using and no more need to manually fill out submission forms.


* Complete redesign
* Tabbed rules section
* Text area blocks containing mandatory "link to us" code
* Auto implements "Page Settings"
o Site Name
o Site URL
o Email
(Based on forum details - You still need to edit waresub/wareconfig.php)
* Hoxxy's and Curtis129's credit added to footer

4 files need uploading:

* waresub/functions.js (for tabs)
* waresub/index.html (directory protection)
* waresub/wareconfig.php
* inlinemod.php



edit the waresub\wareconfig.php file and replace with your site variables

please note that with vBSEO installed, use "showthread.php?t=" in the wareconfig.php file as if vBSEO wasn't installed. vBseo will automatically re-write these URL's anyways.

*Bug of first login of the day moderation login fixed.

saves a crap load of time while submiting to DDL's for warez sites, no need to go to each DDL's submit page and do it manually
been reported hoxxy as working 100%

thanks mate, ill upload it later tonight. ive just gotta get my server fixed up right now!!

cheers again for makin it a product ;)
1. Upload waresub and inlinemod.php to your forums root folder.

In file wareconfig.php
Found here:
2. Edit the file and but your domain in.
$WARE_SITE='[color=Red][/color]/showthread.php?t='; // link to thread without thread ID // the thread ID will be added
$WARE_YOUR_EMAIL='[color=Red][email protected][/color]'
Edit the stuff I have in red.
great job guys. and u even added pictures. which makes things much simplier and easier for us..this is very goood for ma warez site. =-]
Mithil said:
Can we make it such that only admins can use this?

you could just keep enabling and disabling the product when you need it meaning that only admin will use it once they enable it.
Hey Guys I Did Is As It Says....

I Have Configed "waresub/wareconfig.php"

See My Config :-

$WARE_SITE=''; // link to thread without thread ID // the thread ID will be added
$WARE_YOUR_EMAIL='[email protected]'

And Uploaded --

inlinemod And waresub (folder) Ti My Forum Root Directory..And Imported "product-waresub.xml"

But Its Not Working In My Forum Please Help

I Am Using vBulletin 3.8.2 In My Forum