

When I put a web page up for review, I received the following response.<br />
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QUOTE<br />
Not to say that it looks bad, but I am sure it would look better if it had some type of an interface. I am just use to sites with interfaces. <br />
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What I would like to know is... What is meant by an interface. How do I make one etc.<!--content-->&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAs a noun, an interface is either: <br />
-A user interface, consisting of the set of dials, knobs, operating system commands, graphical display formats, and other devices provided by a computer or a program to allow the user to communicate and use the computer or program. A graphical user interface graphical user interface provides its user a more or less "picture-oriented" way to interact with technology. A GUI is usually a more ergonomic satisfying or user-friendly interface to a computer system. <br />
-A programming interface, consisting of the set of statements, functions, options, and other ways of expressing program instructions and data provided by a program or language for a programmer to use. <br />
-The physical and logical arrangement supporting the attachment of any device to a connector or to another device.<br />
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAs a verb, to interface means to communicate with another person or object. With hardware equipment, to interface means making an appropriate physical connection so that two pieces of equipment can communicate or work together effectively.<!--content-->So therfore by an interface we are referring to the screen the user gets to see. Therefore all web pages have and interface and I can assume the response received from my web page review is what???<br />
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My site is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->The remarks they are making to add and interface, would be in regards to a a better navigation (links to pages within your your web site), you have a small navigation, but it is really unclear, it bends with your content. Change the font: color, size, face make it noticeable. it is what guides people through your site, keep it consistent( consistence is the key). interface= interactive Hopefully this will help<!--content-->KILL THE POP UP'S!<!--content-->