Interfaceing with a websocket server. Client friendly UI


New Member
Im a relatively new website builder. Im having a hard time going though all the tutorials for websockets and keep getting cought up in lots of irrelevant material.Im connecting to a websocket server already made by I already have a interface on my site that looks just like the echo service. It works but requires the client to enter an rather ugly command and they returned data is a lot more then what I need. Im looking for a quick writeup on how to put and UI over it. Im a visual learner working in dreamweaver CS5. is my websocket server Im usingcurrently the client needs to type{"op":"addr_sub", "addr":"$bitcoin_address"}I want a small text box that the client can type just the address. And a small box displays just outputs just the "value": 10000000 and nothing else in the return message Thanks