interface for any resolution


I'm sure this question has been posted before, but I could not think of some words to search for. I didn't come up with much for results. Most of the sights I look at have a menu (title) bar that is at the top of the screen, and it goes the full length, no matter what resolution the end users screen is set at. I use photoshop for my graphic interfaces, and image ready to slice them up. what kind of coding do i put in these slices to make them resize for differnt resolutions. Do i need to use this "CSS" that I keep reading about? Is it done with simple html tags (hopefully). Thanks for any responces, and if you can think of any good tutorial links, post 'em plz!<!--content-->You could place the menu in a table set to 100% width. That would leave a blank space betweeen each menu element.<br />
Don't think there is such a script that resizes images according to resolution. Can't imagine it would work very well.<br />
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