Interface builder storyboard compiler error when editing the xml file


New Member
I manually add element in the storyboard file of my iPhone/iPad developement.
In fact, I copy views in storyboard for iPad and I compute the proportional sizes for iPhone (1024x768 to 480x320).
It works correctly but there is an error when adding a containing several imageviews on it: \[code\]*CompileStoryboard iboniaIphoneLGT/LGT_iphone.storyboard cd /Users/imac/Desktop/WORKSPACE setenv IBSC_MINIMUM_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION 5.1 setenv PATH "/Applications/" setenv XCODE_DEVELOPER_USR_PATH /Applications/ --errors --warnings --notices --output-format human-readable-text --compile /Users/imac/Desktop/WORKSPACE/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/imac/Desktop/WORKSPACE/iboniaIphoneLGT/LGT_iphone.storyboard --sdk /Applications/ /Applications/ failed with exit code 255*\[/code\]The message is not explicit, what is the possible cause of this message???Reex