i am interested in learning php but i would know where to begin...is this the correct place?yup, all you have to do is start reading.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29465">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... adid=29465</a><!-- m -->
also my site has many tutorials to get you started.Also, try the following link...
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=188154#post188154">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... post188154</a><!-- m -->
Good luck
hit up scoutt's site, that's where i learned a lot of my stuff.
php.net is also good for referencing.
dont bother buying any books, its a waste of money
btw, i live in houston.
galveston's got an ass-ugly beach, but its fun to stay at for the weekend
I wouldn't say books are a waste of money (what a sophisticated statement by the way,
).. It's basically about how you prefer to learn things.
I started with simply looking through code, copying, pasting, changing, adding, deleting.. I wasn't so sure about what I was doing at the time.. On the other hand, I already had a profound understanding of C++, which helped a lot, since the languages are very similar in syntax.
The internet is a great resource, but it's hard to find a good structured walk-through of the language.. The PHP manual is great, but perhaps a bit cryptic at first.
After a few months I bought a rather thin book about PHP, which was very good, and despite its rather modest size, I learned new tricks from it. Recently I bought a GREAT PHP book, called "PHP and MySQL Web Development" by Luke Welling & Laura Thomson. (2nd ed., ISBN: 0-672-32525-X). It's thick, and contains loads of useful info for anybody starting with web development. At first, you can stick to the 'PHP crash course', and later move on to the MySQL part. It has also great sections on e-commerce, security, web services, and on and on. It's a book that lasts. I consider myself quite experienced in PHP now, but still I learn a lot from this book.
The internet is a great asset, but I warmheartedly recommend you to read a book like this, to get a good overview of the language and techniques, and a solid basis to stand on.
You've started a very interesting journey
Break a leg.books are good and bad.
the good part is it gets you a base to stand on. it teaches you the basics and stuff.
the bad part is the php has changed so much the last year that books are waaaayy behind the times. if you find one that covers php 4.3+ then you are doing good and it would be worth the buy.The book I was referring to actually covers version 4.3
then all the better 
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29465">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... adid=29465</a><!-- m -->
also my site has many tutorials to get you started.Also, try the following link...
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=188154#post188154">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... post188154</a><!-- m -->
Good luck

php.net is also good for referencing.
dont bother buying any books, its a waste of money
btw, i live in houston.
galveston's got an ass-ugly beach, but its fun to stay at for the weekend

I started with simply looking through code, copying, pasting, changing, adding, deleting.. I wasn't so sure about what I was doing at the time.. On the other hand, I already had a profound understanding of C++, which helped a lot, since the languages are very similar in syntax.
The internet is a great resource, but it's hard to find a good structured walk-through of the language.. The PHP manual is great, but perhaps a bit cryptic at first.
After a few months I bought a rather thin book about PHP, which was very good, and despite its rather modest size, I learned new tricks from it. Recently I bought a GREAT PHP book, called "PHP and MySQL Web Development" by Luke Welling & Laura Thomson. (2nd ed., ISBN: 0-672-32525-X). It's thick, and contains loads of useful info for anybody starting with web development. At first, you can stick to the 'PHP crash course', and later move on to the MySQL part. It has also great sections on e-commerce, security, web services, and on and on. It's a book that lasts. I consider myself quite experienced in PHP now, but still I learn a lot from this book.
The internet is a great asset, but I warmheartedly recommend you to read a book like this, to get a good overview of the language and techniques, and a solid basis to stand on.
You've started a very interesting journey

Break a leg.books are good and bad.
the good part is it gets you a base to stand on. it teaches you the basics and stuff.
the bad part is the php has changed so much the last year that books are waaaayy behind the times. if you find one that covers php 4.3+ then you are doing good and it would be worth the buy.The book I was referring to actually covers version 4.3