Intercept Variable Type validation in Routes file


New Member
I've started working on Play almost a week ago, what I'm trying to do right now is to intercept type validation done by routes file.I'm doing fully server programming, no forms are involved all the data I get is through uri.Now consider following Rout\[code\] GET /send/request/*to/*from controllers.Req_controller.sendRequest(to: Int, from:Int)\[/code\]if I'll enter a non numeric character or a string instead of an integer, It'll give me type violation error.I don't want play to do this, i want to handle these errors myself, returning a JSon object is a good option.But I don't want,\[code\] Bad request For request 'GET /send/request/3/f' [Cannot parse parameter from as Int: For input string: "f"] \[/code\]Help will be highly appreciated