Installing And Running Cgi Scripts


Hello. I'm trying to install a "news-poster" CGi script. I've never done that so I'm using the script's help.<br /><br />For now, I've given #!/usr/bin/perl as perl but I was wondering if I have to activate or anything as there is no such folder in my account.<br /><br />Second, they're asking me for my admin password... what is it supposed to be? Where do I get it?<br /><br />I try running <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and it doesn't work.<br /><br />I've already CHmoded my files to 775 as told in turials, but it doesn't seem to work. Could anyone help please?<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
Can't help with the admin password, that would be set up in the script. Some have a default password that you can change while others require you to set up the password in a config file somewhere.<br /><br />You should set the permissions to 755, even if the docs for the script say otherwise. Perl scripts will not run with permissions set to 775 or 777 on our servers.<!--content-->
When you say Perl scripts won't work, do you mean all Perl-based files (PL, CGI, etc) or just PL files?<br /><br />Because I had to CHMOD some MovableType files to 777 (I think), and they run...<!--content-->