Install Problem. Please Help.


OK ... Had to format my server ... (long story) and now trying to get php5 back up and running on apache2 server (windows) ... and I cant seem to get it to work.... so here are the steps I took ... tell me where I went wrong:

1. unziped the to c:\php
2. saved the php-ini-dist as php.ini in the C:\WINDOWS folder.
3. edited the 'extension_dir' line to point to c:\php\ext
4. copied the php5ts.dll to c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\bin
5. added the following lines to the c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf file:
LoadModule php5_module c:/php/php5apache2.dll
AddModule mod_php5.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

6. started apache and get a failed to launch error!

Any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated!

ThanksI could be wrong, but I think php5ts.dll goes to C:\Windows\system32...