

trying to imagine a new layout for a site, <br />
any inspiration sites to stir my mind?:D<!--content-->What kind of site is it? What content do you have?<!--content-->Well, when designing a site there are many things to consider.<br />
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What is your target audience?<br />
- Connection speeds [does your site load without major delay in 56kbps? --- is it an intranet with 100mbps connection?]<br />
- Browsers used [on the net you need wide compatibility --- on an intranet you only really need to be compatible in one browser]<br />
- What is their age? [it is a site that will be viewed by all ages, such as a news site? --- or is it mainly targetted at old people who need large text, or children who will benefit from sounds and colourful cartoons?]<br />
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What type and volume of content is to be distributed?<br />
- Is it mostly graphical, text, tabluar data, or mixed?<br />
- Is there many hundreds of pages where it might be nice to have a frame/iframe for a highly powered layout, or just a simple quick-loading page-at-once layout? Do you have only a few pages, where you can do what you want?<br />
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These are all questions that you should ask yourself. For us to answer those questions and devise a layout we need to know exactly what the site is about.<br />
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Note that this is not a design team -- we are here to help with your problems, rather than construct web sites from scratch.<!--content-->There are lots of places and ways to get ideas.<br />
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I usually start with an image or shape and at least one primary colour that reminds me of the image or shape. Don't ask me why, but I associate red with squares, yellow or green with circles, and blue with triangles. Then I play with the shapes and colours and see what I can come up with. <br />
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If that doesn't work, I pick up a magazine or a book and thumb through that. <br />
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And if all else fails, I stare out the window or go out onto the porch and let my mind be a kid again. I sat down on the patio the other day and watched ants march by. Imagining all those little footprints gave me an image and layout idea. I've gotten ideas from watching the clouds roll by or watching a spider spin her web. <br />
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I think the best way I start out designing a site is to doodle. I buy cheap newsprint notebooks and crayons and doodle in them. If I'm stuck for a design idea, I go back through the books and see if there's any inspiration there, or draw up a new one - just a doodle of what I see the site to be. I was doodling one day when the phone rang and startled me. The resulting squiggle on the paper reminded me of a quill pen and there was my idea for the site. <br />
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Only after I get some ideas for colour and 'feeling' do I start looking at the questions _me has asked. Those are the "nuts and bolts" questions to ask yourself.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->I use to ask someone to pick a color and then I create a layout based on that color.<!--content-->Originally posted by agent002 <br />
I use to ask someone to pick a color and then I create a layout based on that color. <br />
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LOL -- not what I would use, but still just another idea.<!--content-->Originally posted by me_ <br />
LOL -- not what I would use, but still just another idea. <br />
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Well... I'm currently making (or trying to make) a site where you can sign up and create your own wap site. I asked my father to pick a color, and he chose green. So the layout will be green. Or tell me, what's the color of WAP? :)<!--content-->Colour of WAP??? LOL. On a lot of phones there ain't any colour :P. Anyway, I was wondering how to get a WAP site to work -- not that I know much about the technology or have tried for hours, but when trying to load on my phone, it says "Page to large to send back" or similar, while using Opera it loads and displays.<!--content-->Colour is more important than you might think, _me. Aside from the cultural meanings of colour, there is also the psychological and associative meanings.<br />
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*g* I won't bore you with the first two, but I'll give you examples of the third.<br />
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Soft Drinks - red & white; blue & white; green; maroon.<br />
Gas/Petrol Companies - yellow & red; red & white; blue & white; green & white.<br />
Countries (Flags) - red, white & blue; red & white; red, white & green; yellow, black & red.<br />
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My thoughts?<br />
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Soft Drinks - Coke, Pepsi, Canada Dry, Dr. Pepper.<br />
Gas/Petrol Companies - Shell, Texaco, Esso, FasGas (local company for me).<br />
Countries (Flags) - Czechoslovakia, Austria, Ireland, Belgium. (But there are many more for each set.)<br />
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Starting with a colour is actually good design sense, because colour invokes our emotions and we tend to remember things more by their colour than by a name or particular image. <br />
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Peg<!--content-->Originally posted by me_<br />
Colour of WAP??? LOL. On a lot of phones there ain't any colour . Anyway, I was wondering how to get a WAP site to work -- not that I know much about the technology or have tried for hours, but when trying to load on my phone, it says "Page to large to send back" or similar, while using Opera it loads and displays.<br />
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You should keep your content short and clear, many phones are capable to show only limited, small sized WML documents, and the screen is always small, so it's not funny scrolling through a few hundred lines of text.<!--content-->Yup, I know. I haven't actually spent much time on WAP-dev at all, I was just testing in out. I am yet to go into it in full, and real phone testing is a bug problem, due to its (enormous) cost.<!--content-->hahaah you guys have such seroius replys... i was just looking for some sites on whatever to whatever, that just look nice<!--content-->Originally posted by shekki510 <br />
hahaah you guys have such seroius replys... i was just looking for some sites on whatever to whatever, that just look nice <br />
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ahhh... that kind of inspiration!<br />
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search for monkies on the web... ye shal find what ye seek!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Originally posted by shekki510 <br />
i was just looking for some sites on whatever to whatever, that just look nice <br />
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can be found next to the word 'vague' in the dictionary :P <br />
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only joking, but it is kinda vague, any sort of theme you're looking for? if so i suggest spending a while with our good friend <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> :D<!--content-->You could always go to the Website Review (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... forumid=20</a><!-- m -->) forum here at our very own HTMLForums. Or there is the Zen Garden (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), The Layout Resevoir (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), Little Boxes (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... boxes.html</a><!-- m -->), and numerous others that I'm sure you can find with a quick search.<!--content-->