Inserting html messages in text area


hi all,<br />
As I am creating a form to send email to our customers, i am not able to insert an html message in the text area.I just want to know is it possible to insert an html message in the text area and if not what will be the solution for this????pl reply me.Thanking u in advance.<br />
cheers sachin.<!--content-->Not exactly sure what you mean..... but you can insert some text into a textarea like so...<br />
<br />
<textarea>your text here</textarea><br />
<br />
besides that I'm not sure what you are trying to ask. As far as I know you can't put HTML encoded messages into a textarea , anything inside the textarea is treated as "plaintext" by the browser, this means that HTML tags are ignored. It might somehow be possible using a JAVA script but I don't know how to do that myself. <br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->or do you mean insert HTML into the 'text' area of the email?<!--content-->hi,<br />
thanks for ur reply.i want to send html emails to our i prepared a form and i am sending them thru send mail command in php.but my problem is i am able to send only text messages as i am using text area for inputting messages .so i want to know whether there are any alternatives to send html emails(like sending banners and tabled structures).expecting ur reply.thanking u.<br />
cheers sachin.<!--content-->