inserting HTML into CDATA section via xsl:value-of select


New Member
I have a source XML that contains a tag with HTML. It was created from a clumsy CSV file.The goal is to transform the source XML into a second XMLUsing the following, \[code\]<Description type="long" format="html"> <![CDATA[ <xsl:value-of select="HTML_Descr"/> ]]></Description>\[/code\]Unfortunately that XSL transforms as follows\[code\]<Description type="long" format="html"> <![CDATA[ <xsl:value-of select="HTML_Descr"/> ]]></Description>\[/code\]The output makes sense on reflection, but the goal is simply wrapping the HTML within CDATA.NOTES:- It is not possible to put CDATA into the source XML.- More accurately, a source XML file is 100s of XML files- The processor is xsltproc, using XSL 1.0Sorry. The copious helps found were simply preserving HTML format.Thanks in advance.