Inserting external text


I need to know the code to use where I can insert text into an html file from an external text file. I have done this before and I remember it being quite simple (1-2 lines of code) and It would make my job a lot easier to only have to update the text file rather than every html file using the same code.<br />
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can anyone help me<br />
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JNordeen<!--content-->this can be done with one line of an ssi code.<br />
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<!--#include file="page.txt" --><br />
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thats all you need<br />
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and remember to save any pages you use that script on as .shtml<br />
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good luck And Welcome to the Forums!<!--content-->[Sniff] [Sniff].. You've got a non-Geocities server.. You can do that. :(<!--content-->yippie, that's a lot of work saved! Thank you very much<br />
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JNordeen<!--content-->hmm... I guess I shoulda waited to reply until I tried it... It didn't work for some reason. I put that line of code right where I need the text right? not sure what's wrong the text from the .txt file isn't being inserted into the shtml file...<br />
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I'm sure that's the right code though cause I remember it now...<br />
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