Inserting a page into a page


Hi <br />
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I am sure this is a really easy one. I have a html page and in a cell I want to display another page that will be read in each time the first page loads. Its like a special price information panel that will show on several pages. If anyone can give me the code for that I would be very very much appriciate it.<br />
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Thanks all<br />
Ian<!--content-->An iframe should work. If you only want to include information from a file you could use SSI or PHP includes.<!--content-->Did that reply help you in anyway, or do you need more information?<!--content-->Thanks Mortekai<br />
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I do follow it thank you. I am just trying to make something nice and simple to update and have found that using my Namo editior I can insert the contents of an Excel spreadsheet that will update if the original file is changed. I think this is a nice simple way for them to input thier changes.<br />
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Thanks again <br />
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