I have a \[code\]MVC\[/code\] application, written in \[code\]C#\[/code\], that stores student cotes in a database.A student's cote may be \[code\]20/20\[/code\], \[code\]11/20\[/code\], \[code\]12.3/20\[/code\]The teacher must write this value in a form input and then submit the form. All is okay with numbers that don't have a comma. But each time I try to insert 12.3 in the form field, I get this error message:\[quote\] "The value 12.3 is not valid for StudentCot"\[/quote\]I changed the type of \[code\]StudentCot (decimal, float, double )\[/code\] without success.Does a notation datatype for numbers with comma exist? Any idea? Please help, I would like something like this \[code\] //... //[DataType(DataType.NumberWithComma)]public float StudentCot{get;set;} \[/code\]The table field type is real(sql server)