Insert User Data to Database with INSERT statement


New Member
From a user form: I am trying to insert the following data:1) First Name 2) Last Name 3) Major 4) Graduation YearI am able to connect to the database, and select the database I need--but I am unable to insert the data from the form. I am able to create records, but the data is not being saved to the database. Basically, right now I'm creating blank forms.The variable $uInput holds the user data. I tried passing $uInput into the function doAction(), but I believe that is where the problem is. I'm trying to figure out how to pass the user data into the function doAction(). \[code\] <?php //Call function mainline mainline(); // Declare the function mainline function mainline() { $uInput = getUserInput(); $connectDb = openConnect(); // Open Database Connection selectDb($connectDb); // Select Database doAction($uInput); //closeConnect(); //display(); } //Declare function getUserInput ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function getUserInput() { echo "In the function getUserInput()" . "<br/>"; // Variables of User Input $idnum = $_POST["idnum"]; // id (NOTE: auto increments in database) $fname = $_POST["fname"]; // first name $lname = $_POST["lname"]; // last name $major = $_POST["major"]; // major $year = $_POST["year"]; // year $action = $_POST["action"]; // action (select, insert, update, delete) $userInput = array($idnum, $fname, $lname, $major, $year, $action); //echo "info from getUserInput: " . $action; return $userInput; } function doAction($pUserInput) { // if user selects INSERT from dropdown menu, then call function insert //and pass $uInput if ($pUserInput[5] == "ins") { insert($uInput); } } // Create a database connection -------------------------------------------------------- function openConnect() { $connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root_user", "password"); echo "Opened Connection!" . "<br/>"; if(!$connection) { die("Database connection failed: " . mysql_error()); } return $connection; } // Select a database to ---------------------------------------------------------------- function selectDb($pConnectDb) { $dbSelect = mysql_select_db("School", $pConnectDb); if(!$dbSelect) { die("Database selection failed: " . mysql_error()); } else { echo "You are in the School database! <br/>"; } } // function insert --------------------------------------------------------------------- function insert($pUInput) { $sql="INSERT INTO tblStudents (first_name, last_name, major, year) VALUES ('$pUInput[1]','$pUInput[2]','$pUInput[3]', '$pUInput[4]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; } ?> \[/code\]