Insert multidimensional array information into database


New Member
This seems like it would have a really easy solution...but I've had a hard time figuring it out. I need an array to go into a database. For example:\[code\]$usa = array('idaho' => array( county1 => array( 'pocatello', 'arimo', 'downey' ), county2 => array( 'bear', 'cuprum', 'mesa' )'iowa' => array( county1 => array( 'des moines', 'adel', 'desoto' ), county2 => array( 'douglas', 'grant', 'jasper' ));\[/code\]I tried this method of inserting into the database:\[code\]foreach($usa as $state => $county){ foreach($county as $name => $city){ $s=$state; $county_name = strtolower($name); $city = strtolower($city); $us = "INSERT INTO us SET state='{$s}',county='{$county_name}',city='{$city}' "; $us_result = mysql_query($us,$connection); } }\[/code\]I believe the problem is the foreach (passing the state variable into the second foreach loop). I have tried this a number of different ways. Thanks in advance for your help!***Note: everything works great when I remove the $s=$state variable and the state='{$s}' portion of the insert. I still cant get it to insert the state