Inquiry on XML\DOM and server end uses


Staff member
I have built a Web based .ASP project that utilzes XML and the DOM on aCOM+ object to process stored procedures on the back end server side. WhatI do is build an XML string based on input data on the .ASP pages, and thaninstansiate the COM+ component. The VB COM+ component than parses the xmlstructure using the DOM technique, forming parameter objects according tothe number of parameters in the XML string. The end result is that my VBCOM component just needs a single method to run about 10 stored proceduresvs programming a new method for every stored procedure.The debate I am having with some of my collegues is that I am sacrificingperformance for the stored procedure centralization process. That the DOMis a sacrifice on performance particularly when you are programming for theWeb Server end when many users are hitting the server at once.Since I am using the XML DOM to process just stored procedures, I knowwhat my largest structure will be. My largest stored procedure requiresa XML file of about 9 KB (with approximately 60 parent paramter nodes), mytests show this file to go very fast. With about 15 KB of memory requiredfor parsing a single instance of the 9 KB XML string (This memory resultseems a little low in that I have heard the DOM will require anywhere from3 to 10 times of memory allocation for it's file size). If my base testingis correct, this would require about 3-4 MB of memory on the server when200 users happen to hit the request at once.Is anyone out there using a similiar XML DOM method, in that a backendprocess is being utilized with the expectation of many users hitting thesever at once? The technique is very nice for centralization of methods,but there is some debate on using it as providing Back End services.thanks for any comment or input here