Inputting music into web page


Staff member
Hi <br />
Im new to this web page designing <br />
I do it as a td for tourny pages <br />
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Ive tried all the codes i have read about but they dont seem to work <br />
what am i doing wrong?<br />
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Also where do i get the music from the net that will actually work on the site <br />
i know u save there html address but i seem to be having problems<br />
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By the way not into all the computer speak <br />
so plz simple as possible examples would help<br />
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Thx in advance<br />
:D<!--content-->You can use one of three ways:<br />
<br />
<embed src="URL_TO_SOUND_FILE.mp3" loop="infinite"><br />
<br />
OR:<br />
<br />
<br />
<object data="URL_TO_SOUND_FILE.mp3" type="MIME-type"<br />
width="number of pixels wide"<br />
height="number of pixels tall"></object><br />
<br />
<br />
I haven't done much work with the object tag so you might need to do a little fanagalling to get the code above to work. The link below is a reference for the object tag:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
MIME-type: &mdash; This tells a web browser what kind of file it is Download <!--more-->ing and what application it should open the file with. An MP3 file will be something like audio/mp3. You'll have to look up mime-types on a search engine just to be sure.<br />
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Where to put the tags:<br />
<br />
The <embed> tag can be placed between the <head> and </head> tags. The <object> tag should be placed in between the <body> and </body> tags, in the place on the page where you want a little box to appear that contains basic controls for a media player.<br />
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The last way: (and probably the easiest)<br />
<br />
<br />
<body bgsound="URL_TO_SOUND_FILE.mp3"><!--content-->ty ill giv it ago<br />
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there was a site which had it all done for u but it crashed out so its bk on my own and im not the brightest with html <br />
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thanks anyway ill try and fingers crossed<!--content--><embed src="" <br />
<br />
loop="true" autostart="true"controls="smallconsole"><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
k this is wot were using it did work now we just get a dot!!!<br />
any suggestions<br />
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were missing our music :O(<br />
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ps do u know were to get wave files from to use on it <br />
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chears<!--content-->I dissaggree with music on websites, I think it is a mark of unprofessionality and I think it is very annoying for those of us who surf with winamp blaring, it interfears. I usually do not go back to sites with music on them. Now for the advice. Use the object tag, the embed tag is out dated. <br />
<object data="URL_TO_SOUND_FILE.mp3" type="MIME-type"></object><br />
This is like the code posted before. The object tag is just what I would say would be the way to go, but if you are bent on using the embed tag which is out dated (I believe it was depreciated) try messing with your loop, make it a number like 1,2,3 or infinate. Also ditch the controls see what happens.<!--content-->trhankyou <br />
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:o)<!--content-->copy the following code into your code placing it where you want the player to show on the page:<br />
<br />
<embed SRC="music/audiofile.wma" <br />
AUTOSTART="false" VOLUME="100" <br />
WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="45" <br />
LOOP="true"> <br />
<br />
put your audiofile into a folder called music and upload it to the server. This is onlyl good for one sound file at a time, but it works<!--content-->fawn, that is esentially what we have posted 3 times now except your has a volume attribute which is most likely invalid or depreciated.<!--content-->