<input type=file>


Hi there - I have a question regarding the form tag <input type="file">. I working on a site where a user fills out a form and clicks on the browse button to return a file they want to send. I am using CDONTs for email submission. I filled out the form and attached the file. I have set the form email to go to me for testing. Once the email is recieved, the file path is there, but there is no attachment in the email.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Kelley<!--content-->I would think you need to take that file attachment and save it to the server and then send it, then delete it after it is done.<!--content-->If you want, try changing the script to another type. Here's a nice, free one:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://soupermail.sourceforge.net/">http://soupermail.sourceforge.net/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->