Input tranfer


:cool:<br />
How do I tranfer input data from one HTML document/form to another HTML document/table ?<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->You can do that with JavaScript. I am no expert at that and can't tell you off the top of my head. I will get it for you tonight if possible. Sorry.<!--content-->I will appreciate that...thanks. You site looks great. If you have any idees for SA will be "a ring of the Lords!"<!--content-->If you have a server-side method (e.g. PHP, Perl, ASP, etc) that would be preferable to JavaScript as it would work for everyone, depends whether you have it?<!--content-->Originally posted by henniev <br />
I will appreciate that...thanks. You site looks great. If you have any idees for SA will be "a ring of the Lords!" <br />
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Thanks for the complement! I am a sports fan.<!--content-->Thanks Dave.<br />
What will coding be on the receiving side?<!--content-->I can't get the forms to work. I did create the 3 forms but still...:(<br />
What I try to do is to add a page where a sport club can enter an event and then display the event in a fixture page.:confused:<!--content-->