Input field... how much control?


Just added a input field to my website in a form that allows you to sign in to your emal account. I think it is too high... I know how to change the length.<br />
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Is it possible to play with the height? I don't think I can but I would love some1 to tell me I can. Maybe with CSS?<!--content-->the funny thing about input fields is that to change the height, you need to change the font size. Try it....<br />
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<input type=text style="font: veranda; font-size: 16pt" value="16pt veranda"><br />
<input type=text style="font: veranda; font-size: 6pt" value="6pt veranda"><!--content-->Wow... how simple yet so illogical.<br />
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Maybe you can help me with another query. It isnt a block level element but has heaps of space above and below. Is it wise to change this via CSS?<br />
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You learn something new everyday... Thanks Dr.<!--content-->hey entimp, the form tag is a block level element, not the input tag. so you need to add<br />
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style="display: inline"<br />
<br />
to the form tag,<br />
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but take heed that it does not work in NS or other browsers<!--content-->I probably should have mentioned that N4.x doesn't work too well with inline styles as I posted. however, page level css, found in the header is a more workable solution for older Netscape browsers.<!--content-->I tried your advice with an external stlye shhet and discovered what you are pointing out... Scoutt and the Doc.<br />
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It would only render one of the input fields as smaller, so I kinda sussed this out and changed the cascade for that element to inline. It works fine now. Not to worried about NS at moment till I get the site how I want it then will try some reverse engineering to get it looking ok to all platforms.<br />
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What I dont understand tho is why the two forms render differently on the page. The forms are to login in to the email account and the other to sign up for the email account. The first one, login, has the correct amount of space above it. The second one has triple the space above it and cannot see why this should be. I will play with that at some other point but if you have any suggestions I would be grateful to hear em... Don't worry if you don't as I haven't had a real play at why this is yet.<br />
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Ta for your help anyway.<!--content-->where is the page? or the code?<!--content-->This is the source for the form. The site is the main page for <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and the form is the email section. But seriously don't worry too much about it Scoutt... I will have a play later. If you see something hugely obvious then great, dufus me, but don't worry too much. Ta.<br />
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<td class="td3" width="120" valign="top"><br />
<form method=POST action= name=login><br />
<p class="phead">Ent Imp Email:</p><br />
<p class="phead1">Login:</p><br />
<input type=hidden name=java value=1><br />
<input type=hidden name=company value=entimp><br />
<input type=hidden name=Interface value=1><br />
<input type=text name=loginname size=10 style="font: veranda; font-size: 8pt; value=8pt veranda;"><br />
<p class="phead1">Password:</p><br />
<input type=password name=loginpassword size=10 style="font: veranda; font-size: 8pt; value=8pt veranda;"><br />
<input type=image name=Log_in2 img src="images/loginbut1.jpg" alt=Login border=0></form> <br />
<form method=POST action= name=signup><br />
<p class="phead">Sign up here:</p><br />
<input type=hidden name=company value=entimp><br />
<input type=hidden name=Interface value=1><br />
<p class="phead1">First Name:</p><br />
<input type=text name=firstname size=10 style="font: veranda; font-size: 8pt; value=8pt veranda;"><br />
<p class="phead1">Last Name:</p><br />
<input type=text name=lastname size=10 style="font: veranda; font-size: 8pt; value=8pt veranda;"><br />
<input type=image name=Log_in img src="images/loginbut2.jpg" alt="Sign Up" border=0><br><br />
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</form><br />