Inline Coding -- is it possible??


Hey Folks,
I want to call for a variable value in ASP.NET but without using the code behind page. I mean that I want to call a variable value from the global.asax but using the old fashion ASP way

and Please also i want to know how to call an application variable from the global.asax in the inline coding...

thank you guysI think you have to options, to declare that variables as Public, or to use Sessions, and you can use sessions any place you want in your project.Actually the problem is not in how to get the variable results,,,,,,
even the Response.Write(VarName) don't want to run :(have you tried to use Sessions variables, then in any place in you page add this, Session("myName") = "Cipher"
<% Response.Write(Session("myName")) %>, i'm sure it will work i tested it my self, there's also an easy way i recommend, is that you can use lables in any place in your page, and in your code you can add any text to label, Label1.Text = "youValue"

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" />