Inject one xml file in the other (merge two xml files) in Visual Studio 2010


New Member
i'm working on a project where i have to put the translations in XML.Now the xml translations file is auto generated, but not for my part of the project.I, and they, do have to share the generated XML.So when i enter my piece of XML in their 'main' XML, it's overwritten when the file is regenerated.The current solution is to keep a separate file with my translations, and copy-paste it every time into the 'main' XML file.Is there a way to do this automaticly? I tried the xml \[code\]Include\[/code\] option, but Visual Studio doesn't recognize or use it.I thought about generating some kind of placeholder in the 'main' XML, and that Visual Studio would 'somehow' replace the placeholder with the XML in my separate file.Any idea's?