I have a question on how to assign the target of a Javascript function to a dynamicallycreated CSS element. This is a project in which I need to put a force directed map into a unique button generated pane. This is the init function of the javascript file.\[code\]function init(data, target){ // init data // init ForceDirected var fd = new $jit.ForceDirected({ //id of the visualization container injectInto: 'TARGET' //This is the div id of the target.\[/code\]This is from the html file.\[code\]<body> <div id='pane-template'> <div class='pane'> <div class='pane-title-bar'> <button class='pane-button pane-close'> ✕ </button> <button class='pane-button pane-pin'> ➴ </button> </div> <div class='inner-pane'></div> </div> </div> <!-- Workspace --> <div class='workspace'> <div class='right'> <div class='sidebar-buttons right-buttons'> <button class='options right-pane' id='collab'></button> <button class='options right-pane' id='view'></button> <button class='options right-pane' id='runtime'></button> <button class='options right-pane' id='docs'></button> </div> <div class='right-desk'> </div> </div> </div></body><script> function make_pane(parent, id) { parent.children(':not(.pane-pinned)').remove(); parent.append($('#pane-template').html()); parent.children('.pane').resizable({ handles : 's', minHeight : 20 }); console.log(parent.children); adjust_vertical_offset(parent); if (id == "view") { var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000'); socket.on('projectoverview', function(data) { init(data, view.id); }) } }\[/code\]I am trying to set the "TARGET" to be the "inner-pane" element of of the "view" pane, and not on any other pane. Everything else works, all the functions are calling correctly. I just don't know how to pass the div ID to the target. Many thanks!