Initializing custom class in settings file

Husam Hamoda

New Member
In my WinForms C# Application I am attempting to save a custom class in a settings file. here is my current code:\[code\]public class PanelSaver : ApplicationSettingsBase{ private DockingStyle ds; System.Drawing.Point location; System.Drawing.Size panelSize; [UserScopedSetting()] [SettingsSerializeAs(System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs.Xml)] public DockingStyle Style { get { return ds; } set { ds = value; } } public System.Drawing.Point Location { get { return location; } set { location = value; } } public System.Drawing.Size Size { get { return panelSize; } set { panelSize = value; } }}\[/code\]The DockingStyle variable comes from DevExpress Dockpanels. Here are the objects being used in the Settings file :
When I attempt to use these variables, by passing them into this function:\[code\]private void DockPanelSave(PanelSaver savingPanel, DockPanel realDockingPanel)//{ try { savingPanel.Location = realDockingPanel.Location; savingPanel.Size = realDockingPanel.Size; savingPanel.Style = realDockingPanel.Dock; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); throw new NotSupportedException("You may have added a new panel, and may not have added a corresponding " + "settings variable to hold it in the Settings.settings file"); }}\[/code\]I get a null error. How should I initialize the values in the settings file? I am guessing I need to put in some kind of XML however I don't know the correct steps to take for generating it. Any directions on this or other reasons for my null error would be appreciated