Initializing an input tag(html) in a jsp using a bean message tag (i18n)


New Member
Am new to JavaEE,so am still trying to find my feet. Well,in order to internationalize my pages,am trying to initialize an input text tag using a bean message tag.This is what i would have done if i wasn't interested in internationalizing my value attribute :\[code\]<tr> <td><bean:message key="form.birthdate" /><span>:</span></td> <td><html:text property="day" value="" /></td> <td><html:text property="month" value="" /></td> <td><html:text property="year" value="" /></td></tr>\[/code\]Now,i decided to initialize using a javascript file :\[code\]function initialise(){document.getElementById("day").value="<bean:message key="" />";document.getElementById("month").value="<bean:message key="form.month" />";document.getElementById("year").value="<bean:message key="form.year" />"; }\[/code\]so i call the function initialise() in my jsp :\[code\]<body onLoad="initialise();">\[/code\]But it doesn't have any effect and i don't know why. I'lld really appreciate your help. Thanks