Infraction for pandusetiawan: Posting pornography


New Member
Post: Plz help me..about the links parser
User: pandusetiawan
Infraction: Posting pornography
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Posting pornography

Message to User:
You are receiving this infraction for posting pornography in our forums.


Original Post:
I don't know is this because of mods i use, or bug, or because i updated my vb 3.7.3 to vb 3.7.4, but i just realize that a lots of my img tags become screwed, like this (i toke it from the post table directly) :

where it should be :

The result is the image doesn't appear, only the links like this 

I have to "edit" the post, and save it before it shows the image.
Please..anybody can help me with this problem?

Thx in advanced