Infraction for Dakota Joe: Insulted Other Member(s)


New Member
Post: Which Hack / Mod Is This? See Link.
User: Dakota Joe
Infraction: Insulted Other Member(s)
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Do not ever insult staff

Message to User:
Do not ever insult a member of staff, If I see a post like this from you again I will ask an admin for you be banned!

Original Post:
Actually I'm using 3.6.8 but plan on upgrading to the lastest 3.7.2 as soon as GYSN Releases a Nulled Version of it.

I like how you did that and appreciate your help very much but on their site the sponsored images rotate and it give you the link to the sponsored site under the image. It looks like yours just displays text in the box. I don't see any code to display an image or a link.

I was thinking that this was a mod or hack that they've installed in order to do this.

In your code how do you change it in order to have at least a link under the image of just text as yours displays?

Heck i figured with the experienced people on this site that someone would have know what this was but now i'm guessing not.
