Bonus assignment (PSP): write a program, that would count the number of code lines and the number of comment lines in the file. You can choose any one language.<br /><br />This is one easy assignment... I decided to make it a little more interesting and make the program work for as many languages as possible. For that, I need your help. More specifically, this information:<br /><br />1) Comments. (C++: //, /* ... */) <br />2) File extension. (C++: .cpp, .h)(if an extension is used for more than one language, I'll just ask the user to specify, which language it is)<br />3) Exceptions. (Pascal: {$I-} ... {$I+}(begin/end the same as comments, but are not comments))<br /><br />I could probably find the comments/extension parts by googling, but the exceptions part is a little harder.<br /><br /><span class='edit'>This post has been edited by <b>qdoom</b>: 2 Apr, 2007 - 01:52 PM</span>