Infinite loop during Facebook Authorization


New Member
I have this simple code:\[code\]// index.phprequire_once("/fb/facebook.php");require_once("/config/config.php");$facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => $config['appId'], 'secret' => $config['secret'], 'cookie' => true));$user = $facebook->getUser();if ($user === 0) { $loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array( 'redirect_uri' => '' )); echo("<script> top.location.href='" . $loginUrl . "'</script>"); exit;}else { var_dump($facebook->api("/me")); } \[/code\]and the join.php code is:\[code\]//join.phprequire_once("/fb/facebook.php");require_once("/config/config.php");$facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => $config['appId'], 'secret' => $config['secret'], 'cookie' => true));if (isset($_REQUEST['error'])) { echo("<script>top.location.href='". $config['errors']['auth'] . "'</script>"); exit;}echo("<script>top.location.href='". $config['url'] . "'</script>");\[/code\]the problem is that when i go to: (and I'm NOT logged on facebook) the application show the auth dialog (correctly) but after this step it does an infinite loop from index.php to join.php.As you can see when I check if there are any errors in join.php i do a redirect to index.php (the home page of the application) BUT in the index.php I still get \[code\]$user === 0\[/code\] so it redirects another time to join.php....etc etc etc (infinite loop).How can I fix this kind of problem?Thank you very much!EDIT: I use join.php as callback (redirect_uri) for the login page. THe purpose of this page is to save inside a database the informations about the user, so join.php will do it and then redirect to index.php to let user use the application. Wrong?