Indents with <ul>


Staff member
Hello,<br />
<br />
I am creating an index/table of contents of documents. The names of these documents are being listed in an unordered list with the <ul> and <li> tags in one column of the table. My question is that the <ul> tags indent the bullets and I was wondering if there is any workaround so that the bullets are not indented.<br />
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Thank you,<br />
John Pitchko<br />
Data Services<br />
SGI<!--content-->Browsers will always indent the list items.<br />
Strangely enough, Microsoft have just introduced the COMPACT attribute in IE6, even though it's been in the W3C HTML specification since HTML 3.2, which compressed the spaces.<br />
You can emulate an unordered list by using the bullet character entity (&#149;)<br />
eg.:<br />
<br />
<b>Shopping list</b> <br><br />
&#149; Eggs <br><br />
&#149; Milk <br><br />
&#149; Beer <br><!--content-->I am using IE6, but the compact attribute doesn't appear to do anything. Is it <ul compact><li>...</li></ul>???<br />
<br />
I am mainly asking this because the <ul> tag will give hanging indents so that the text lines up underneath the bullet like this, which is what I want:<br />
<br />
* blahblahblahblahblah<br />
blahblahblahblahblah<br />
<br />
As opposed to:<br />
* blahblahblabhblahbla<br />