hi i just signed up to adsense last week and have made 1.01 so far yey and i wanted to ask how do i make visitors click the ads, the last couple of days ive had no clicks with odviously no earning.can anyone help me out ?p.s is it possible for me to make $100 in this or next month ?I think it all depends on your content and title. When google display your ad on sponsor result then you could be one from many other advertisers. So user will attract and click only on those which is more interesting and benificial for him. So write a good title, description that it can attract from all of othershope this will helpGo through the Adsense Tips from them. Should help:https://www.google.com/adsense/support/ ... =tips.htmlThe content decides the nature of ads and thus earnings.Location of your ads on the page layout is important to maximize your Adsense income. Play around with skyscrapers, vertical and horizontal, text links etc. NB: Don't obverdo it!Colors and borders can influence your click through rate. Experiment with the colors and let it blend in with the design of your site. Try not to place too much ad blocks on your page. Visitors that don't like advertising might get put off, if there are too much advertising on your webpages.It is important to note that keywords may vary in pay. Some keywords get a couple of cents and others might be a lot of $$. It all depends on your SEO and what content is on your pages.I hope this helped you.You have to figure out a stratigic place to put the adsense and that it should fit nicely in the site you should change the colouring so that it matches your site as well.Depending on your website content you will get paid per click if there is high competition on those keywords that your site talks about then your payout per click is higher. If you want to make $100 a month then you have to average $33 a day.You may have earned $1.01 because you had very little visitors. you should check your conversion rate of impressions to clicks and based on that you know where you are holding if you are earning nicely or notGood LuckI've had some income from adsense even without real content.for example:www.stocks4dummies.com makes me $10-15/monthwith that little per month it's a volume game, maybe easier to get one good site up..i wonder what ozzu makes off their google ads?