If your hosting is using Apache webserver, i've written a tutorial that uses Apache's Mod_Rewrite to manipulate your ugly query string urls, into more appealing urls that also get picked up easier by search engines; thus, increasing hits to your site as well as page rank increase.
Other tutorials exist, however i've attempted to simplify this process as easily as possible that anyone can do it. If you're having problems with it, ask questions to get help. My site has forums I built for any questions, we'll help you along the way.
view the tutrial -->Mod_Rewrite URL's for Search Engines (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.allsyntax.com/tutorials/Apache/21/Mod_Rewrite-URLs-for-Search-Engines/1.php">http://www.allsyntax.com/tutorials/Apac ... ines/1.php</a><!-- m -->)
good luck and enjoy increased hits
Other tutorials exist, however i've attempted to simplify this process as easily as possible that anyone can do it. If you're having problems with it, ask questions to get help. My site has forums I built for any questions, we'll help you along the way.
view the tutrial -->Mod_Rewrite URL's for Search Engines (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.allsyntax.com/tutorials/Apache/21/Mod_Rewrite-URLs-for-Search-Engines/1.php">http://www.allsyntax.com/tutorials/Apac ... ines/1.php</a><!-- m -->)
good luck and enjoy increased hits