Incorrectly parsing xml with Nokogiri in Ruby


New Member
I'm using Nokogiri to parse an XML response from I am currently returning the information I want, but not in the format I'd like. What I get is what appears to be one Nokogiri::XML Document. What I want is a line per \[code\]<track>\[/code\] that includes a song's title, artist, and url. Here is a sample of the XML:\[code\]<lfm status="ok"> <toptracks metro="Beijing" page="1" perPage="50" totalPages="10" total="500"> <track rank="1"> <name>Rolling in the Deep</name> <duration>226</duration> <listeners>33</listeners> <mbid>092a88bc-af0b-4ddd-a3a1-17ad37abfccb</mbid> <url> </url> <streamable fulltrack="0">1</streamable> <artist> <name>Adele</name> <mbid>1de93a63-3a9f-443a-ba8a-a43b5fe0121e</mbid> <url></url> </artist> <image size="small"></image> <image size="medium"></image> <image size="large"></image> <image size="extralarge"> </image> </track> </toptracks></lfm>\[/code\]And here is the code I'm using:\[code\]doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))doc.xpath("//toptracks").each do |track| song_title = track.xpath("*/name").text song_lastfm_url = track.xpath("*/url").text song_artist = track.xpath("*/artist/name").text puts "#{song_title} - #{song_lastfm_url} - #{song_artist}"end\[/code\]As I mentioned though I'm getting all the song titles, followed by all the song urls, followed by all the song artists as one XML document.