Inconsistent Google PR rankig


New Member
I have a similar problem For years we have been ranked 5/10. Recently I noticed we have moved from 5-6/10, which is just great. The problem is that the PR ranking does not show consistently. Sometimes it is 6 and most often its at 0. I have used both firefox and IE and both browsers does not always show the same ranking. I even see some times in Firefox that one tab will disply 6/10 and 0/10. I am not getting any answers from Google and even went through our account manager for our Adwords but unitl today its not yet resolved. Any ideas?Here is the URL:http://www.mytaxresolution.comIt's because toolbar PR is unreliable and inaccurate.I may also depend on the datacenter returning the page ranking. Right now google itself seems to be in a state of constant flux, so your new PR comes and gos.