Including a database file in an Jar using Ant


New Member
I am trying to make a jar of a simple inventory program using ant and eclipse. I have the xml file built, but I need to add something to the buildjar target that will cause ant to include the itemdatabase file - that is currently sitting in the base directory - in the jar. What I have so far.\[code\]<target name="buildjar" depends="clean"> <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/StudioCat.jar"> <fileset dir="${basedir}"> <include name="config/*"/> </fileset> <fileset dir="${bin.dir}"> <include name="**/*.class"/> </fileset> <manifest> <attribute name="Main-Class" value=""/> </manifest> </jar> <copy todir="${build.dir}"> <fileset dir="${basedir}"> <include name="config*/**/*"/> </fileset> </copy> </target>\[/code\]