

Has anyone ever used<br />
<br />
<!-- #include file = "blah.inc" --><br />
<br />
?<br />
<br />
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Are there any compatibility issues? Does it load slow?<!--content-->Are you asking if using SSI is slow?<br />
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If you are...<br />
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It's going to raise your server load... However it's not going to slow down your page load as all. the use of SSI is transparent to the user and they have no idea.<!--content-->Oh okay.<br />
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But is there any way I can make SSI work on my computer?<br />
"my computer" meaning when I'm offline working on my site.<!--content-->Yes and no... <br />
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Either setup Personal Web Server or Dreamweaver will show the SSI calls in the preview.<br />
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However without some sort of webserver or program like dreamweaver there isn't much hope for viewing it offline.<!--content-->Okay, thanks<br />
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Any idea why this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://fla5hba5h.topcities.com/testingInclude.html">http://fla5hba5h.topcities.com/testingInclude.html</a><!-- m -->) doesn't work?<br />
I have the .htaccess file, dunno what's wrong..:confused:<!--content-->Here do this...<br />
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Rename the content.inc file to html or something else... the content setup is fine. I'm clueless on why you would use a .inc extention.<br />
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Then use this coding... what you have on your page is incorrect.<br />
<br />
<!--#include file="content.html" --> <br />
<br />
THEN...<br />
<br />
Rename your page that is using the SSI call to .shtml<br />
<br />
.html files cannot parse the file naturally and you would have to modify your handlers to do so. Most vertual hosts will not allow you to make the modification thou.<!--content-->As Pete mentioned, there should be no space between <!-- and #<br />
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Also, prefer the use of virtual instead of file:<br />
<!--#include virtual="filename.inc" --><br />
file attribute is OK for this example, not OK if you need to specify path to the included file.<!--content-->Nkaisare is correct you could still use the .inc with the virtual attribute however learn to walk before you run :)<!--content-->