include common code in web pages


Is there an html tag or some metod to include common code into pages. I want to create stuf that needs to appear on each page, i'm aufully tired on changing each page, i would like to just make a change once and the each page use the changed common code.<!--content-->Not in HTML, but you can do this with server side languages. Which of those does your server support? PHP? SSI?<br />
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PHP (.php)<br />
<?PHP<br />
include "file.txt";<br />
?>SSI (.shtml)<br />
<!--# include file="file.txt"--><!--content-->Or get a decent editor, HTML-Kit (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), then you can change the same code snippet in all your files.<!--content-->it's a third party's isp. i'm not real sure what it is, kinda doing a favor and just trying to make it easier on me. <br />
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do you need access to the server to specify ssi's?<br />
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how about javascript<!--content-->