New Member
\[quote\] I'm aware that serializing is used to convert data types into a storable format, for purposes such as caching.\[/quote\]What I'm more specifically asking is, what are the circumstances in which you should actually decide to store data ( using \[code\]serialize()\[/code\] in PHP, \[code\]pickle\[/code\] module in Python, et cetera )?Let's say we had a high traffic website, and in our \[code\]/blog\[/code\] page we are using static content xml files, a gettext mo file, and dynamically generated content from a database.Example #1:The file we rely on for static content is \[code\]en/blog.xml\[/code\]:\[code\]'<content><![CDATA[<h1>Welcome to my blog!</h1><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..</p>]]></content>'\[/code\]Would we want to serialize this xml file itself and store it in cache? Example #2:We also have a dynamically generated form, normally I would assume I would not serialize anything because it's server-side generated and dynamic, but our form field labels are internationalized and the user requested this page in spanish, therefore we are using a translation class which grabs form field labels stored in \[code\]mo/csv/xml\[/code\] format.Contents of \[code\]contact-us.php\[/code\]:\[code\]<label for="first_name"><?php echo $L->_("First Name");?></label><input id="first_name" name="first_name" type="text">\[/code\]The "First Name" message id translation is pulled from the application-level translation file, which we parse and store in an array which resides in our translation class. So it would be ideal for our code to not parse the \[code\]mo\[/code\] file on every page request, and instead serialize the whole array after parsing the mo, and then rely on the serialized dump of that?Example #3: Let's say on our blog page we're pulling in the 5 most recent blog posts. \[code\]$posts = BlogClass->sql('SELECT blog_message, blog_author FROM blog_posts LIMIT 5 ORDER BY blog_date DESC');\[/code\]Would we want to rely on something like memcache and just set a key to the result of the sql statement, would it serialize the results of the query, or?Bonus:If anyone could actually provide specific examples of efficient/practical uses/mis-uses of serialization, that'd be great - something like a multi-page, huge huge form that pulls in database information and stores stuff in sessions, or any examples where you had to rely on serialize..