In urgent need of feed back!


=:O =:O =:O <br />
I REALLY Need some feed back with my web page! I have been spending heaps of time on it, and had a few visitors, but no one leaves any feed back, and I really need some so I know what people want!!! So if anyone has a bit of free time, then could u plz go to my web page and tell me what you think??? The url is below. My web page is about doom, qbasic, Jokes, Odd things, really just what eva I put on there!<br />
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Thanx! <br />
=:O =:O =:O<!--content-->I don't doubt you've been working hard on the pages, Mage, but.... <br />
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Well, you've got a bit too much on the page, I think. The background needs to be toned down considerably, if not done away with altogether. It's hard to read straight left to right when the background keeps snaking about. And, with all due respect, those cursor balls have *got* to go! <br />
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I did like your logo, the "Mage123". That looks good. And it's nice to see that someone remembers that white text on a dark background needs to be a bit larger than normal. *g* <br />
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If you changed the background to the solid dark blue, rather than the image, that would work. Your logo was originally designed for a black background, wasn't it? If you wanted to stay with the dark background, what about a dark purple, to match the logo colours? <br />
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