My website is approximately 8 years old. I am in the top 10 for my keyword ("ALF"), but can't seem to pass up sites such as Wikipedia, IMDb (Internet Movie Database), Hulu, etc.
Site: (was until about 1.5 years ago, still own the domain name and use it)
Traffic: Ranges from 8-12k visits/month (depending on what new news is available)
Would anyone be willing to check out my site and offer some suggestions as to how I could improve my strategy and break into the top 3 spots in Google? Even just general advice to improve my site also welcome. I try my best with SEO, but since this site is only my hobby I am still in the beginner stage.
Thanks for any help! I think if the first ten, then I think you can increase the frequency of site updates and some links, to improve the site's pr, I think so you can try. Alf! Thinking you need some links/mentions/advertising from sites where the 35+ age (maybe 40+) bracket hangs out that discusses old shows they watched/loved.
More verbage on the home page above and below what you have in the center. Yes definately more verbage on the home page (and others). If you look at the text only view of the home page the links out number the real text very badly.
Need some descriptions on the DVD page but don't copy the description from the seller site, create your own.
Site: (was until about 1.5 years ago, still own the domain name and use it)
Traffic: Ranges from 8-12k visits/month (depending on what new news is available)
Would anyone be willing to check out my site and offer some suggestions as to how I could improve my strategy and break into the top 3 spots in Google? Even just general advice to improve my site also welcome. I try my best with SEO, but since this site is only my hobby I am still in the beginner stage.
Thanks for any help! I think if the first ten, then I think you can increase the frequency of site updates and some links, to improve the site's pr, I think so you can try. Alf! Thinking you need some links/mentions/advertising from sites where the 35+ age (maybe 40+) bracket hangs out that discusses old shows they watched/loved.
More verbage on the home page above and below what you have in the center. Yes definately more verbage on the home page (and others). If you look at the text only view of the home page the links out number the real text very badly.
Need some descriptions on the DVD page but don't copy the description from the seller site, create your own.