In regards to for(), why use i++ rather than ++i?


New Member
Perhaps it doesn't matter to the compiler once it optimizes, but in C/C++, I see most people make a for loop in the form of:\[code\]for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)\[/code\]where the incrementing is done with the post fix ++. I get the difference between the two forms. i++ returns the current value of i, but then adds 1 to i on the quiet. ++i first adds 1 to i, and returns the new value (being 1 more than i was).I would think that i++ takes a little more work, since a previous value needs to be stored in addition to a next value: Push *(&i) to stack (or load to register); increment *(&i). Versus ++i: Increment *(&i); then use *(&i) as needed.(I get that the "Increment *(&i)" operation may involve a register load, depending on CPU design. In which case, i++ would need either another register or a stack push.)Anyway, at what point, and why, did i++ become more fashionable?I'm inclined to believe azheglov: It's a pedagogic thing, and since most of us do C/C++ on a Window or *nix system where the compilers are of high quality, nobody gets hurt. If you're using a low quality compiler or an interpreted environment, you may need to be sensitive to this. Certainly, if you're doing advanced C++ or device driver or embedded work, hopefully you're well seasoned enough for this to be not a big deal at all. (Do dogs have Buddah-nature? Who really needs to know?)