Importing MySQL Datbase files -.sql/.txt


New Member
I have been running into problems trying to copy over my database from another server to my new one. I use PhpMyAdmin often and I created backups of each DB which outputs as a text .sql file. It seems if file or amount of data is not extremely large it works very well. If large like some of mine are, it will say it was executed but, no information or tables exist. I have had to cut and paste sections of these files into the text box and submit them and add data this way to get the data loaded into the new DB. I've even tryed cutting and pasting the text file ane executing it via my webmin panel on my new server, but it locks up the browser.

So here is my question. Can I move these .sql file or DB backups on to my new server and type in a command to load them into the database directly? Is this normal, why is it giving me such a hard time?

What other methods could I use? I'd really appreciate your help. Keep in mind, I'm vert new to shell commands.
