Importing files (headers and such)


First, hi to all :)<br />
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Well, i have to do a website for a university project, and i cant remember how should i do to import a file (for example, to write the html of the wesite header in a txt file and then import it from every page). I know i could do it with frames but i want the page to scroll completely. Sorry if i havent explained very well, im spanish :)<br />
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Thanks !!<!--content-->you can use SSI, Serverside Includes, but you have to make sure the server supports SSI as the exstension is .shtml<!--content-->Or, if you're using dreamweaver, take a good look at the function called "library". You could like make your navigation just once, and refer to it by means of the library, and dreamweaver would autatically insert its html in every page you want. And update it when the navigation in this example changes.<br />
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This funtion saved me lots of hours updating pages allready.<!--content-->Thanks a lot to both of you :) I finally used the SSI option, it works fine for me, and my project has to be written in pure html (no dreamweaver or such), so i think that option is fine for me :). Anyway, thanks to both of you as i said !<br />
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CU M8S<!--content-->