Importing Attachment


New Member
I just imported everything of my forum (phpBB 3.0.2) using Impex....
Every import is succesful but not the "ïmport attachment" module.....
When I enter the path as /forum/fies ....... still it shows files not found error....
I know phpBB store attachments in the /files folder...... then why it is not iporting...

Someone ..... help me......
A standard vB install is set to store the attachments in the database, so you must specify that you want to want to store them on the server and the path in which they are stored.

AdminCP -> Attachments -> Attachment Storage Type

Change the settings to store the attachments in the file system and specify the path to the attachment directory in the form of home/youraccount/path/to/files and make sure that directory is CHMOD to 777. For security sake, it is advisable to store the attachments OUTSIDE of the public_html directory. vB will attempt to write a test file to this directory and if it is successful, you should be able to place all the attachment files in this directory and have the post links to the attachments working again.
From your error messages, it appears that vB was unsuccessful at writing the test file, which would indicate that either you entered the wrong path OR perhaps your host may be using open_basedir on your account. What did you use as your path to the /files directory?
do i must have live 'source site' on this step?
or i just can placing my "files directory" on my new server randomly?
please need more supervise here....

I have also convert from phpBB to vBulletin - no matter what I have tried, I can not import attacments via Impex...
You shold live with that...