Important Informtion


Ok... thanks for checking out this post because i have a problem.<br />
You see I have created this super template. and i had to slice it up for the images to load quickly. Now what i would like to know is how do i make the the center of the template (it is still in .jpg form) into html, so that i can insert text and make it my can someone tell me what to do. PLEASSSSEEEE :badbob:<br />
an image of the template is at the bottom there somewhere.<br />
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Thanks in advance<!--content-->You will have to create and use framesets, best advice would be to search Google for "framesets" you can never stop learning :)<!--content-->Hi links81,<br />
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generally for a sliced up image you would use table code to reassemble it. There in lies the solution to your desire. The center image could be a table all its own and you can make the image the background image of that table and place anything you want to over it.<br />
<br />
<table background=url_of_your_image.jpg.........><tr><td>your stuff here<br />
</td></tr></table><br />
<br />
You could also use layers and style tag positioning to create the same effect, but tables, even though they are ancient and deprecated, work very good for this purpose.<br />
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You could also use frames as montroze has suggested.<br />
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Regards,<br />